For students who don't like learning languages or who have no talent for them

I have no talent for languages! I have heard this sentence a million times and I think it is an excuse not to commit yourself to the process of learning. However, there are people with learning difficulties, and when undiagnosed, these people may find learning in general extremely challenging. Students who have no learning difficulties or who know how to work with them should be able to learn a foreign language.


I am aware of the fact that learning any language from scratch is not easy. All these grammar rules, verb conjugations, exceptions, tenses, etc can easily get you stuck. Once you are there you get demotivated and you hit a wall. That is why you should have realistic expectations. After a few months of studying and practicing you will not be able to discuss super complex topics and understand what mumbling native speakers say. It takes years of practice to reach that level.


The most important thing in learning is knowing your learning style. You can distinguish visual learners, auditory learners, kinetic learners, reading/writing learners. Which category do you fall into? It is worth looking into this matter as it might clear the path to learn anything and make it a much more pleasant experience than you would expect.


You will not learn anything well without dedication. The truth is you have to spend time learning, in this case, English and you need to spend it efficiently. It means actively. You will never learn English by only watching YouTube for example. The key to learning a language is to produce it which means you have to speak it and write it. Reading and listening are equally important. They should provide you with all these small elements you see and hear being used in different contexts. You break written and spoken English into tiny elements, you try to understand what each element means and then you try to use it in the same way. When you hear a word or a phrase being repeated in a certain context you should try to emulate it using the same intonation, stress, and pronunciation. The same goes for the written word. You emulate it in the writing you produce.


If you think that you have no talent for languages think of it as a jigsaw puzzle made up of thousands of pieces. Through trial and error, you have to learn which pieces belong where in the puzzle and what other pieces they go together with. There are more important/basic elements in English grammar and first, you should focus on them. It is better to learn short/shorter sentences than long and complex ones. Don’t make the learning process more difficult than it should be.



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